Cleaners that are good and bad for your home
So if something looks good it must be good, right?
If something smells good it must be good, right?

Well not Necessarily. A portion of the same chemical responses that happen in our climate as an issue of haze and ozone could be occurring in your home while you clean. An analyst at Drexel’s College is investigating these responses, which include a natural compound called Limonene. Limonene gives the average scent of cleaning items and air fresheners a “pleasant boost” to the consumer. His examination will help to figure out what side effects these sweet-inhaling mixes are adding to the air while we are utilizing them to uproot germs and smells.
Please read the article at the link below, it may share some insight to you. If you want to go green with your cleaning in your house, give me a call and I can go over with you your options.